Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rosso come il cielo

I recently bought this Italian film on DVD after first watching it about mid-last year. Directed by Cristiano Bortone and starring Luca Capriotti as Mirco Mecacci, Rosso come il cielo (Red Like the Sky) is  an incredibly inspiring film based upon a real-life story.

'Mirco Mecacci is a young Tuscan boy who loses his sight in a gun accident. His life shifts direction as law insists that he attend a School for the Blind. As a feisty and quick-witted kid, he doesn't fit into the rigid social networks at all. In fact, his creativity runs foul with the headmaster again and again.

A gift of a sound recorder is the means by which Mirco explores a whole new world, one filled with sound as expression. He gradually persuades his fellow pupils to join in, and a wonderful anarchy results. Red Like the Sky inspires and fascinates from the opening shots, a passionate Italian tale that recalls Cinema Paradiso in its faith and belief in possibilities. In real-life, Mecacci would go on to be one of Italy's most successful film sound designers.'

This film will change your life.