Sunday, December 16, 2012

Talk: The Italian Drama - Tragedy for Europe

Talk: The Italian Drama - Tragedy for Europe on Quadriga on Deutsche Welle

An interesting video making comment on Berlusconi’s return to politics and the current political dramas in Italy.

'Does the resignation of Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti mean the end of the country's reform program? There have already been signs of a return to old ways. Former premier Silvio Berlusconi has announced he will stand for his old job in next year's elections. His chances of emerging victorious are slim, but many fear a fourth term in office could spell disaster for both Italy and the Euro.

Laura Lucchini - a freelance journalist for the Argentinean newspaper "La Nación", the "El País" in Spain, and the Italian publications "Linkiesta" and "L´Unità".

Theodore Kouvakas - studied art history in Florence and architecture in Venice, and trained to become a journalist. Kouvakas covered foreign policy and financial markets for Imerissia SA, a financial and business newspaper.

Ursula Weidenfeld - has a PhD in history from the University of Bonn and studied journalism at the Holtzbrinck School in Düsseldorf. She became Berlin correspondent and a deputy editor at the magazine "Wirtschaftswoche".'